Customizing the Grid in Matplotlib

Learn how to customize and show the grid in Matplotlib charts By default, at least as of this writing, Matplotlib hides the underlying Axes grid. In this post, we’ll walk through a few simple ways to show the grid in your plots, on both the major and minor ticks. First let’s import Matplotlib and create a simple function to plot some lines: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np def sinplot(): """Example plot we'll use throughout....

May 30, 2023

Hello! The World

This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme. ...

May 23, 2023

Tìm hiểu về cách lấy giữ liệu bằng Selenium

Tạo một đối tượng WebDriver Tùy thuộc vào trình duyệt (Chrome, Firefox, etc.), sử dụng lớp tương ứng trong selenium.webdriver Chrome from selenium.webdriver import Chrome driver = Chrome(executable_path='đường_dẫn_đến_chrome_driver') Sử dụng executable_path để chỉ định đường dẫn tới Chrome Driver Firefox from selenium.webdriver import Firefox driver = Firefox(executable_path='đường_dẫn_đến_geckodriver') Sử dụng executable_path để chỉ định đường dẫn tới GeckoDriver Edge from selenium.webdriver import Edge driver = Edge(executable_path='đường_dẫn_đến_edge_driver') Sử dụng executable_path để chỉ định đường dẫn tới Edge Driver Safari from selenium....

June 2, 2023

The Frog at the bottom of Well

The Chinese of Jing Di Zhi Wa is 井底之蛙. This idiom is also known as Look At The Sky From The Bottom Of A Well–Zuo Jing Guan Tian (坐井观天). Once upon a time, there lived a frog in a shallow well. One day, a turtle who used to live in the East Sea travelled there and happened to see him. The frog proudly said to his unexpected visitor, “I am so happy!...

May 27, 2023

Data Analyst

May 23, 2023